Day 20/29 Days of Giving is…

So. Um. Yeah.

I totally lost track that Friday was indeed Friday, and here we are on Sunday doing what should have been up on Friday, despite realizing on Saturday that Friday had indeed past, and, well … can we just pretend it’s Friday?( I’ll forever wonder how that happens; how days tend to run into themselves and so on… the older I become, the more frequently this seems to happen. I can’t be the only one this phenomenon occurs with…am I?) Oh –  Back to the whole pretending thing – we’re now officially pretending it’s Friday … you just arrived here, totally psyched for the weekend and a giveaway… woo-hoooo!

Go ahead — do the lil’ woo-hoo thing out loud.

Ya know you wanna.

Aw c’mon — just SHOUT it – wooo – hoooo!

{ Sorry, there I go rambling. A-gain. }

Wreck This Journal - In Progress


I’m going to divulge a wee-lil’-secret about moi.

Though, y’all prolly have figured this out by now.

Heck, I’ve probably mentioned it.

You see, I’m incredibly anal.

Yes, my name is Chrysti – and I’m a perfectionist-aholic.

I believe, and thrive on the fact… that everything has its has place.

Oddly though, I’m not very uptight personality wise. It takes alot to offend me, and when I work, paint, cook, create… I’m messy as all hell. I just tend to need it all tidy before I can begin. Strange isn’t it?

Wreck This Journal - In Progress

Worse yet, I enjoy making a huge mess. To be free. To create without constraints, to deconstruct – and I love; I abso-friggin’-lutley love, love, love demolition. Have cabinets you need smashed? Gimme a call!

Maybe I have some hidden anger issues or sumthin’..who knows, who cares! It’s fun!

It is my firm belief that this is an essential trait to creating of any kind — the willingness to let go, and not merely the willingness but the desire to make things – well, ugly. Yes! U-G-L-Y.  You know – To not analyze, to learn to tap into that unconscious part of your brain where you really focus on the process. Gosh, don’t you ever just want to stop thinking, be fabulously mindless and genuinely live in an artistic  moment? Don’t worry about how you measure up…. just create simply and purely because you love to..and for some of you, because you have some misguided notion that you can’t. We’re all creative. It is just a matter of acknowledging that, and accepting it.

I should be clear about this, as it’s where I seem to differ from lots of folks -I have no trouble with letting go, and just trying something.  I rarely hit those creativity blocks lots of folks speak of, the pressing issue for me is typically whether or not I can justify the time to haphazardly create with reckless abandonment. I hardly ever give myself  the permission to just… play. I need an excuse, some sort of  mythical ‘purpose’ .

Enter this glorious book that I discovered last year:

 Wreck This Journal: by Keri Smith

For anyone who’s ever wished to, but had trouble starting, keeping, or finishing a journal or sketchbook comes Wreck This Journal, an illustrated book that features a subversive collection of prompts, asking readers to muster up their best mistake- and mess-making abilities to fill the pages of the book (and destroy them). Acclaimed illustrator Keri Smith encourages journalers to engage in “destructive” acts-poking holes through pages, adding photos and defacing them, painting with coffee, and more-in order to experience the true creative process. Readers discover a new way of art and journal making-and new ways to escape the fear of the blank page and fully engage in the creative process.

I love making the time to work in this book. I love that I can spend just a few minutes adding to it. I love that I am letting it be horridly ugly. I love the release I obtain after an exercise in it. Forget therapy kids – just wreck a journal!  The plan, for me is this: Once I have totally uglified all the pages – I shall then challenge myself to make them pretty, because I love a challenge – only to destroy it again. It’ll be interesting to see how I do deconstructing something I will one day (hopefully) adore.

Dontcha wanna take this journey with me? One of you definitely will be as it’s the giveaway for the day!

Wreck This Journal - In Progress

While I could go on & on singing the praises and benefits of creating in a reckless manor- and I plan to, in a later post after the giveaways – I thought I’d intrigue you today by showing you some of my pages throughout this post, and pointing in you the direction of other inspiring pages and videos that will have you wanting this faster than you can say beetle. (no, i have no idea why I chose the beetle there, i know, i’m nuts)

Check out this video I found on youtube  for an even better idea of what is inside this book – you’ll need an idea of this to enter the giveaway!  Ohhhh… I nearly forgot – I have a bit of exciting news! I ordered a video camera, that should be arriving this week (hello online workshops) – so look forward to seeing a video of some of my ventures with this fabulous book too!

So to enter today’s super-fab giveaway:

  • On this post; in the comments – answer one or more of these questions: Tell us one way – no matter how crazy – you can think of to wreck a journal pageif you’re afraid to do this, then share why!
  • Do this by: Sunday, January 31st, 2009
  • PLEASE keep Spreading  the word! Blog it, Tell your friends — the works! I’m amazed daily at the impact this project is having on people. I want it to be contagious, plus it fuels me to make it bigger & better! 
  • Enter Day 0 still!
  • Check out the first batch of winners, the second batch of winners,  third batch of winners anddddd the fourth batch of winners!

Recklessly yours, Chrysti

{P.S. Speaking of perfectionistic. It’s KILLING me not to go edit this post and re-word it right now. I am intentionally leaving my writing..well, messy too. Ick. Yuck. Someone take my mouse before I fix it all…. HURRY!}

70 Responses

  1. one way to wreck a page is to include a dead insect. that would be gross!! i actually saw that done in one of the journals from the 1000 journals project. cockroaches were taped into various pages.

  2. Yea I think I get to post first! Does she have a page to paint with condiments, like catsup and mustard? Gross and so fun!

    Burying a page and digging it up a week later and repacing it would be interesting as well. I could have written this book. Why didn’t I think of that?…

  3. What an amazing concept! What about dragging a page through the mud? Or walking on a page with muddy shoes? Not sure why I’m into mud at the moment! LOL!!!

  4. Oh and I posted about it on my bookmaking blog…

  5. I’m thinking that I would like to drive over a tube of paint ( or mud) and then over the journal. I got this journal after you mentioned it in a previous post, I am treating it much too reverently, but doing better than with other journals. sticking lots of fruit stickers on the fruit sticker page, and i found one of those little flags that the utilitiy company sticks in your yard, it was covered with mud, I confess I washed it off. duh…….I did glue it to a page, but I’m doing better at random additions to the journal. I thought of letting the dog pee on it, but would rather discourage that behavior. what else…….not sure I’m ready for squashed bugs, but I do have a dead moth hanging around not in the journal yet, however.mabye I’ll go do that…..somehow that isn’t as gross as an icky bug. but we want gross… woman’s gross is another woman’s art??hmmmm.

    off to do something a little more destructive to my journal. and to check out your links!

  6. OMG! I *N*E*E*D* this book! I, too, am a perfectionist and understand perfectly the whole needing order to start anything (you should see my desk at work)! I am able to be a little more free at home… to an extent. Sometimes I stay up to the wee hours in the morning cleaning because (for some odd reason) it’s always late at night that I get the urge to put some order back in my life.

    I feel that this trait is a real stumbling block in my art – everything needs to be too perfect and I often feel muse-less… My new year’s resolution is to start some kind of personal art journal and follow prompts to explore my creativity and overcome some of my anal tendencies.

    What a great giveaway today… I hope I win!

  7. Let a goat eat part of the pages.
    paint a page with Kool-Aid.
    Smear a page with toothpaste.
    Rub grass all over a page.
    Drag it across a garage floor that oil or antifreeze has been spilled on.
    So much fun you could have. Give it to some teen boys, I’ll bet they could come up with some ideas!

  8. Oh Chrysti… I bought this journal last week while browsing a book store – serendipitous of course!

    My daughter Bec saw it and said “OH mum, I’ve always wanted Keri’s stuff” so I’m hoping to win it for her :)

    I love it, now you say you are anal…….well I am too in some ways. I hate my book spines being cracked, and yup that is one of the instructions…… along with “give this journal to someone else to wreck”…
    so I gave it to Bec for 2 minutes, in which she promptly grabbed my book, and CRACK!!!! Bent the spine……… “ARRRRRRRGHHHHHH I cried, then I laughed…. she did exactly what I was too scared to do…. But now it looks all lived in and lovely…….. Next thing Bec did to it was to get the cover and bend that diagonally, thus cracking and folding it…. it looks really loved now!! Teehee…

    I think Bec needs her own journal – don’t you?

    Thanks again for sharing :)

  9. I have “Wreck this Journal” and I LOVE IT! It is so freeing to just be destructive with intention. YAY that you’re giving it away…someone will be a happy camper, I know.
    Peace & Love,

  10. This sounds like a fun journal. I’d probably start by smearing the random acrylic paint left on my palette with either a palette knife, old credit card or a brush. I really hate wasting paint, so I usually smear it on paper of some sort. A journal would be as good a place as any. It can get really ugly, but the building on top of that layer is where it gets interesting.

  11. PS: I blogged about your giveaway and my journal too!

  12. I think I may have to buy this journal if I don’t win, I’m far too perfect as well…My first thought was to jump on it, wipe my feet on it after being in the garden…but I could really let loose …Put a pot plant on it after watering the pot plant…..catch some cat dribble…I also want to catch a spider web…with or with out the spider…I’ve heard that if you spray the web with hair spray first, then it will stick to a page… I have to try that!
    Your journal pages look really cool.
    I have a give away on my blog too, so feel free to visit and enter

  13. Go to the kitchen and play
    get pages of the book total wet….
    set a wet tea bag on a the corner of a page for an hour or so…
    Put coffee grounds on a page (how long I am not sure)
    Food coloring may be fun.
    Salt can crystalize, hmmm what about on paper with water?.
    the list can go on forever…

    maybe it could become a wrecked kitchen journal.

    Sure hope you are feeling better.

  14. wow, i have a hard time being free with my art…i can’t think of any crazy ways to wreck a journal page–especially after making something i like. maybe that would be crazy for me, to just rip into tiny pieces a page i am really proud of and then put it back together in a haphazard mosaic. hmmm…i can feel the creative juices stirring already! oh, and i would LOVE to take an online class with you! :) how exciting!


  15. Oh- What to do to wreck it? I think the hardest think for me would be to take it outside, and open it up and lay it out on the gravel drive-way and run over it with the car. Oh, I think I am a little light-headed thinking about it. Now that I said it, I am thinking about all the stabbing rocks and grit that have impaled the pages, and the texture it created. Hummm- where could that take me??? Gonna have to think more about that. This is getting funner. I think I need that book!
    I can’t wait to see if you draw my name.

  16. i’m def a perfectionist too so just putting the first stroke down on the blank page would be like wrecking it for me!

  17. I would like to try using it as a drop sheet for other projects. Some techniques can leave some really interesting mess!

  18. My house is a mess with dog hair at the moment (3 of them shedding!)

    I think I might spread adhesive across a page then drop the book onto the floor to pick up what it will; black, brown or/and white

    A permanent record of the current menagerie!

  19. I had a dog idea too – let the dog walk across is when she comes in from outside in the mud so you have authentic doggie paw stamps…or let my husband walk on it with his big shoes and leave a print of his “sole” (now that is deep ;-) ).

    Thanks for the chance to win Chrysti !
    Happy Saturday that, I am sorry to say, is MONDAY !!!

    BTW –
    About perfectionism…I am reading this book right now :

    “I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t): Telling the truth About Perfectionism, Inadequacy, and Power” by Brene Brown


    Learning a lot about why we women feel like we have to be perfect all the time and what we can do to come together and help each other “get over it !” a little ! Pretty good book so far !

  20. go up to women wearing too much lipstick and ask them to kiss the page
    (I’d be a little bit scared of doing that I think… )

    make a page really smelly… like going to a perfume counter and spraying it with testers (now for me that really would be gross!)

    collect fingerprints on it before washing my hands ( not sure I’d be able to avoid washing my hands)

    let the dog play with it for an hour

    stick on the bits of cardboard and other objects that the dog (she’s a puppy) strews all over the place…

    add splodges of ingredients to it whilst cooking

    do smoke drawings (now that’s something I’m planning on doing anyway…)

    tear up several “done” pages and then repaste them in any old how

  21. Yep ~ I agree, just putting a mark on a page would test my nerve!!! But I love what you are doing with yours …..

  22. it’s early here, so i can’t really think of anything to do, but i want to get in on this one… sounds like a great book!

  23. how about tearing the journal in half, then duct taping it back together again.
    Or burying the journal in a hole in your favorite place and leaving it at least overnight.

  24. How about FIRE!!! Burning the edges and burning holes in the pages. I have never burned a page (in a journal) before and I am a bit fearful because, like, you know, the whole book could go up in flames if you are not REALLy careful.

    I do not have a copy of this journal book yet but I am very intrigued and will be looking for it the next time I am in the bookstore.

    I came here for the first time as I saw the announcement on your twitter.

    Thanks, I will pass this on.

  25. Oh, duh . . . I just now saw that there is a photo of one of your journal pages that is burned . . . Boy do I feel a bit foolish! Guess I got too excited about the question and did not look very hard at your photos.

    So . . . . never mind!!


  26. oh lord, I have trouble when I cross something out in my journal…..”wreck it”? yikes.
    I might be able to drive a car over a page, or burn some of a page, or pour some tea on a page?
    Oh well!
    Happy Monday,

  27. How to wreck a journal – maybe working without my glasses on or leaving on the dining room table along with a pack of pens, but then again the outcome might be very interesting.

  28. One idea I had was to allow my cat to use the journal as her scratching post. Also, she loves to rip up paper (and does this to my books). All I have to do is let her “play” with it and it will be a great journal page! Now, I need to see if I can get her paw prints on the page. So many options there!

    Oh, I so want this book!! :) Thanks, Chrysti for sharing your journal with us!


  29. I think the easiest way to wreck this book is just simply not to use it.

    barring that, to write notes in every margin on every page even if they are already wrecked.

    Just my 2 cents.

  30. well you didn’t actually say what the give away is ( I read thru twice, did I miss it) I am guessing it is a copy of the book…”wreck this Journal”

    firstly, allow me to be the one in the bunch to say i have NO journals, and i also NEED to say that I not only NEED to start one ( or more than one) it has been suggested by a couple of MY doctors that I do ( insomnia, eating habits….and then anxiety)


    A— I would soooo LOVE to be the winner of this item, perhaps it would inspire me to actually start making journal out of the CASE of composition books i have purchased over the last 2 years. LOL

    B— I am a collage person and a doodler, so those are 2 ways i would wreck pages…I am picturing pages with multi colored tissue paper, then over that rubber stamped and embossed flourishes :)

    I hope you like that idea, and I do have some others…one is strange….like putting some acrylic paint and or food coloring ( though I think the paint will wash off better)
    on body parts and then putting the body part on the page, like half my face, a hand a foot, ear….dare I even suggest boob! LOL

    I am now going BACK….to watch the video. I will post this again to my Facebook today.

  31. posted again today in my facebook—


  32. i ran across this book on amazon and was fascinated! so many times its easy to stare at a blank page and not know what to do.
    i think a crazy way to wreck a journal page would be to use it as a dinner plate! i would be afraid to because of the stink later on…

  33. Paint it with horse manure. I couldn’t actually do this because Ick! It would be way too stinky but it sure would be texture. Maybe if I won this book I would actually start an art journal and not be afraid of messing up a page in it.

  34. driving over it with my van LOLOL that would add texture then i could work in it LOLOLOL
    robin krieger

  35. I LOVE this book! I really wanted to buy it for myself – but my daughter saw me looking at it online and declared she “must” have it. So Santa brought it to her last year for Christmas (2008). I’m SURE Santa thought she would lose interest in the book (like she always does) and Mom could swoop in and just “accidentally” complete the book, covering the front of course.

    However…altho those plans were arranged with the best of intentions, Becca LOVES this book. And won’t let me anywhere near it. But she takes great pleasure in teasing me about her having it and not me. The only page I’ve gotten to play with? The page you burn – because she’s not allowed to play with fire/lighters/matches. So I was “allowed” to do that page. As she stood over me, watching my ever move.

    So now I need my own copy. The Princess won’t share – and I want to tease her back by having my OWN Journal ;)

    I hope you’re feeling better – please don’t get all stressed with your lists. You’re so busy it wears ME out!

  36. For ME, wrecking a journal can be when I’ve added that one more thing that really screws it all up, but mostly, it’s in the NOT DOING ANYTHING that really wrecks it. Why have a journal if not to use it, abuse it, learn from it, hide IN it?

  37. Using tootpaste as a first layer, letting it dry
    add a variety of things from the refrigerator
    a little mustard mixed in gesso for yellow
    catsup with gesso for red
    peel it off with maskin tape
    then use the tape

  38. oh- reading all those ideas makes me shudder! I think I would have to stretch myself to try any of those things. I like things orderly and neat but the journal looks like something I might want to try to expand my horizons! maybe something messy would be just the ticket for me.

  39. oh, I would bury it in my compost pile. yuck indead. I would let it set for a month then go back to see what in the world had crawled or chewed on it.

    hmmmm, I may not want it back after that!!??

    I to love straight rows and things in order, but my studio is a pit and my art is always fun to be messy with!!!

  40. I have always wanted this book, but never got the nerve to buy a book to intentionally destroy!

    I think the scariest thing for me to do is let my two little ones have the book for a while. When they see something they love, it generally is played with so much it is trashed, ripped apart, crumpled up, and chewed.

  41. Oh my gosh…having to WRECK something – on purpose? I can do a fine enough job doing that all on my own, without intending to, thank you very much. Not only that, my perfectionist tendancies are altogether too strong. Does this mean I NEED to get this book??

    The only case scenario I can think of to wreck a page would be to spill my coffee on it. Or…a whole bottle of stain. Or a bottle of bubble gum pink paint…yeeewww.

  42. Cut little strips out of it…non-sense types of strips. It’ll be fun.

  43. What fun! Somebody above suggested adhesive on a page, then dropping it on the dog-hair-filled floor… I’m thinking my dog’s bed/blanket. That would be a nice tribute to him. And some muddy dog prints.

  44. First of all…Read Letha’s post…If you draw her name instead of mine there might be blood spilled in Cody, Wyoming! LOL Actually she is my daughter…and I headed her over here in the first place…and she is about the luckiest person I know lately! We call her “that lucky brat”! LOL

    Actually, I totally relate to this post, Chrysti. I laughed all the way through it because it is so real…I totally understand because I am often the same way. Except I do have a hard time making UGLY! How would I wreck a journal…First drop it in a tub of hot water…so that when it dries it will be all fat and wavy. Next…crunch up some pages really hard so they get some lovely wrinkles and creases. Now start tearing…corners, half pages, holes…you get the idea…really trash it. Next add some spilled ink…several colors. That should do it. Now try to pretty that up!

  45. how freeing to have a journal that was ok to destroy!
    I would destroy a journal page by squashing a bug on it. then i’d never want to see (or touch!) that page ever again. especially if it was a cockroach, eeeowwww!
    connie williams

  46. give it to my 15month old to do as he wished:drool, food, poop, etc.

    I don’t think I’d go through with it myself, however :)

  47. Oh where do I buy a journal like that here in the Philippines? I’m so intrigued! I do have a journal but it’s nice and neat although I draw and paint and paste on it. What would I do to wreck it? Dip it in glue and drop feathers, sequins, crumbled cork on it?

  48. 1. I would use the dirty water from cleaning my paint brush to paint the page.

    2. I would use a used chamomile tea bag. I would open it and try to get the tea water to stain the page and embed the bits of chamomile onto the page. It would make a sloppy, textured mess.

  49. i saw a ‘wreck this journal’ at barnes and nobles this christmas-and i really wish i bought it!!
    because now i can think of a bunch of ways to wreck it-run it over-drag it out the door of the car on our sandy snowy roads
    put it opended up on the counter top near the sink and see what collects on it-
    rub catnip on it and let the cats have a go at it
    wipe my feet on it
    give it to my nieces with some paints-let them go to town
    rub and smear all sorts of things on it-non eatible stuff-don’t want to attract bugs-altho that may be fun
    i could go on and on!!
    i think it would also help me to become braver with my art
    many thanks chrysti
    enjoy your day
    tabby :)

  50. Oh Chrysti how I have yearned to own this book for a short while now. But finances just will not permit me to buy it at this time. And I need this book so desperately…I need to learn how to let loose and let go so that I can be more creative….I know it is inside of me, but I am having trouble letting loose.

    There are two ways, both having to do with my fur babies that I can think of right at this moment…the first one : Playing tug-o-war with my baby that loves to play…the book would end up with slobbers from her, teeth marks and hopefully some rips or tears.

    The second way would be to clean up the yard using one of the pages…a bit gross, but the yard has to be cleaned up (dog dirty has to be picked up) or at least step in some and then walk on the book or pages. A bit gross, sorry.

    It would be hard for me to do either, as like I mentioned I have trouble letting loose, but I do think this book is what I need and if I win I would be willing to do both of these, just as my starting point of letting loose.

  51. Slide the page through the bars of a gerbil cage and let them chew it. Or something bigger, like a dog :)

  52. Smashing a bunch of cherries on a journal page would stain it and make it delicious. ;) Thanks for reminding me about this book! Awesome flickr pages.


  53. I’ve been wanting this book for a while! It looks so fun!
    One way to wreck a journal page would be to put it in my bird aviary, leave it there, and come back a few weeks later to see what happened to it!!

  54. my parrot likes to chew on journal pages (well she chews on everything) but i could also wreck a journal by letting my 2 yr old play with it after eating cheetos, or just seeing what happens after he walks around with it all day, on the adventures he has. it would be a wreck.

  55. Take one page that you are really proud of and then paint it black. Why? To understand that everything is impermanent and so should your ego be too! ;-)

  56. I’d give it to my toddler and let her have her way with it for ten minutes. (That’s all it would take!) She’d do all the things I’d be tentative about trying. It’s somewhat akin to offering it to a billy goat and a tasmanian devil (except she’s a cutie and would be giggling and dancing with glee the entire time)!

    Other ideas–
    drop it into boiling water
    use it as a studio drop cloth
    smear baby food on a page or use one of the pages as a lunch napkin (ewwww)
    drag it along the city streets
    attach a page to my bike wheel and get pedaling
    attach a page to my shoe and go hiking
    crumple a page into a ball attach a mailing label and send it to a bogus international address (hoping it returns to sender!)

  57. Paint it a “puke” green with big red spots….then wrinkle it up…How about gluing some fake puke on(since we’re talking about puke)?

    I would NEVER do this in one of MY journals….heck, I don’t have a journal. LOL But I worry about mixing paint colors or ruining a page and very often that’s halted my “creating” in mid-stream. Too afraid to take the chance and do what I’m thinking of because it will “ruin” the page. Guess “Wreck this journal” is the cure for THAT!

  58. I’d like to take this journal to my favorite beach, bury it in the sand, dip the corners in the ocean, and tape seaweed to a page.

  59. Oh I have been meaning to buy this journal – it sounds like such fun! I get too hung up on “pretty” sometimes, and I think it would be great to have some exercises to help shake things up a bit.

    So how would I wreck a page? I was thinking of putting it on the floor (open) and jumping up and down on it after a stressful day – a proper hissy fit! Or tearing a page out, ripping it up into tiny pieces and then gluing them onto the next page.

    Thanks for entering my name in this fun giveaway – I love the concept of this blog too!

    Cindy :)

  60. The worst way…hmmm. I am a nurse, so I can get pretty disgusting, right? I’ll stay away from the body fluids…yuck is right! Besides body fluids, I’d say this – you know, I can’t say THAT. I don’t really like to wreckjournals! There! I said it! I love to add paint, mixed media stuff, found itmes, make marks,draw,shout on thpages, sew them, stamp..all those things that I believe add BEAUTY to them …but wrecking them? Aarrrghhh. Ok. I’d smear some pb and j…then scrap if off to see what colors they left. Then I’d smash a piece of bread in there. Instead of a “2 page spread” I’d havea peanut & jelly spread…get it? haha.

  61. I have this book at home but everytime I get it out and decide that this is the time to wreck it – I totally whimp out! It’s not good! I just need to grab it and get on with it!

  62. Wipe your feet on a page.
    remember the thing when you were a kid where you took a dandelion. held it under your chin and said do I like butter. Use a dandelion to mark your page. Or draw with some other flower or plant. Not that that would work with all the snow we have right now.

  63. Hi everybody!! Well this is a challenge, you see, I am hyper anal..meaning I actually hoard and covet all my little snippets of ribbon and paper to the point where I have bags and bags of it just waiting to be used (never!) So I think I wuld just take all my snippets and stick them to the page feeling like I have used them wisely and not just thrown them away!! Or I could give the journal to my dog Rudy ( Boston Retreiver) ( don’t ask) he’ll wreck it for me!!! Love Janice Helt

  64. Do a drawing and then tear it up into pieces then tape it back together in a random fashion. Wala…destroyed art!! Then make another drawing on top of that one.
    I also thought about drive my truck over the pages but to get the tires good and dirty first. But I see others have thought about driving their cars over their journals as well. We sure are a destructive group!! LOL
    Hugging you

  65. I would wreck a journal page with power tools! I think a belt sander across a page would be really cool. Also, using a power drill to drill holes all over it.

  66. I’d leave it outside over night no matter what the weather to see what the elements would do!

  67. Hi Chrysti,

    I see there hasn’t been an update for about a week..I hope you are doing OK.


  68. just make it as messy, painted, dripped,melted, whatever as you want, you can wreck it all kinds of ways!

  69. […] 20-  Click Here to read all about it ! Prize: 1 Copy of Wreck This Journal: by Keri Smith Purchase your own by […]

  70. Wow amazing, i am from bali indonesia.

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