And the third batch of winners are….

no beating around the bush tonight folks ….

… some absolutely amazing gifts at stake here

is it you? ….

… drumroll please

yes, i finally caved in and went for the youtube drumroll….

Here’s the scoop:Winners need to contact me by January 6th, 2009 (wow!) by emailing me at khryctee[at], or leaving another comment here – with the correct email to notify them. I’ll need your mailing addies by then or else the beloved prize in question gets shipped off to the runner-up. And, just in case the runner up has a bad case of not-claiming-giftitis, then I will merely redraw a name. Someone, somewhere will want it badly enough -)  If you don’t truly want that day’s prize let me know, or pick someone to pass it on to.

Didn’t Win?Keep trying! Really, there are even more amazing prizes heading your way… and there may even be days where everyone – yes like every single person – who enters who will be a winner. How’s that do for something to look forward to? I thought you’d like it! I will be taking a hiatus while I am travellign though… more on that later, in another post…

Ok, the hard part — and also the kind of fun part — the prize recipients! Doesn’t that sound nicer? We’re all winners, even if the prize eludes us. 

“It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.” -Albert Einstein

Oh! In case you were curious; receipents are not-so-scientifically-selected using one of those handy generator thingies found online. Noone has found a way to bribe me yet. Not saying it can’t be done, but ya know — it’s gotta be a realllllllllllllllllllly good offer. An in with the technology gods would be great… felt foods, art supplies I don’t have… the list goes on…

Even though the drawings on these drawings are closed – I still think they are worth a read – especially the comments. Amazing discussion, laughs & communities have been forming. Join In! It’s a wondrous feeling! Start from Day 0 and work your way up!

 Page 14-15 (bottom)

Day 10–  Click here  to read all about it !
Prize: 1 Les Petit Dolls Membership – an amazing online Suzi Blu workshop!
Purchase one by clicking here!
Prize Recipient 1: Marula -claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 1: Joyful Artist-claimed

Low Res Pic, Pro Quality prints. Other Choices for Winner too!

Day 11–  Click Here to read all about it
Prize: Winners Choice of Prints from my store! – when emailing me be sure to tell me your first choice, and second choice set please!  an 8 x 10 set, or 5 x7 set – up to you!
Purchase one by clicking here.
Prize Recipient 1: Jennifer W.
Prize Recipient 2: Mary Lee -claimed
Prize Recipient 3: Jennifer Rogers-Daniels -claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 1: Karina -claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 2 : Lauri
Prize Recipient Back-Up 3: Cat -claimed

Visual Journalism 101 Workshop taught by Pam Carriker

Visual Journalism 101 Workshop taught by Pam Carriker

Day 12–  Click Here to read all about it
Prize 1: 2 Lush 5 x 7 Prints – winners choice from Pam’s Store!
Purchase one by clicking here
Prize 2: Visual Journalism 101 Online Workshop taught by Pam Carriker
Purchase one by clicking here
Prize Recipient 1 (Prints): Donna Cook -claimed
Prize Recipient 2 (Workshop): Letha Richardson -claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 1: Ginny
Prize Recipient Back-Up 2 : Roc Nicholas

Photo by Splityarn used under a Creative Commons License

Photo by Splityarn used under a Creative Commons License

Day 13–  Click Here to read all about it
Prize: A OOAK Chrystified Fancy Fiber Bulb Ornament! – Winners tell me if you want it plain (like shown) or embellished in my way – not shown. Also let me know your 3 fav colors.
Purchase one by emailing me if interested, and I’ll create one just for you. $7.95 + Shipping.
Prize Recipient 1: Kellie -claimed
Prize Recipient 2: Jennifer Law
Prize Recipient 3: Paula Bogdan -claimed
Prize Recipient 4: Robin Krieger  -claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 1: Susan G (linked to family fun) -claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 2 : Dunielle
Prize Recipient Back-Up 3: Janice-claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 4: Chris Weiss-claimed

jontroast_aperson_150 jontroast_withtofrom_150 jontroast_second_150

Day 14– Click Here to read all about it
Prize: 3 people will each win 1 Jon Troast CD
Purchase one by clicking here – you can ALL get a FREE CD too at his site!
Prize Recipient 1 (a person & a heart CD): Kim Mailhot -claimed
Prize Recipient 2 (with,to, from CD): Regina -claimed
Prize Recipient 3 (second story CD): Vicki -claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 1: Erin Glee -claimed
Prize Recipient Back-Up 2 : Katie
Prize Recipient Back-Up 3: Nicole Austin

Day 15– Click Here to read all about it
Prize: 1 Digital Collage Sheet of mine -claimed
Purchase one by clicking here to see if I added them yet or emailing me prior to that.
Prize Recipients:Everyone who left a comment on that post! The last batch will eb emailed out tonight — it’s now closed.

And there ya have it… the third round of giftees! Recipients – Don’t forget to contact me  with your mailing address within by January 6th, 2009 – emailing me at khryctee[at], or leaving another comment here – with the correct email to notify you! Extra Credit if your email contains lots of OMG’s, squeals of rampant delight especially on the prizes that contained submissions of my own.
Still time to enter Day 0 & future giveaways upon my return!
Even though there’s no giveaway on this post  … I have enjoyed all our ‘talks’ in the comments, it’s actually been my favorite part of all this….  so if ya feel like chatting with me, why not play a lil game with me?
It’s easy – I promise!
Just finish this sentence

Happiness lies in ….

The giveaways are on hold until I return — I plan (hopefully) to post more about that tomorrow!

Happy Holidays!
