{Echo} Week 7- Whisper

“The woods are never solitary–they are full of whispering, beckoning, friendly life. But the sea is a mighty soul, forever moaning of some great, unshareable sorrow, which shuts it up into itself for all eternity.” -Lucy Maud Montgomery

For as far back as I can remember, trees have been among the greatest of my friends. They entertained me as a child as they whispered these amazing and imaginative,  positively delightful stories….  the rustling of their glorious leaves revealed the wisdom of all who came before me. The branches delighted in whispering  the juicy secrets of those who climbed them..  trying to reach for a piece of the heavens. The light danced, the shadows played, the air filled with laughter… it was so very magical. I both sought and found my refuge within the woodlands. To this very day every forest I encounter summons me with its oh-so-damn-powerful whisper.

There is no place my soul feels more at home.

“All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul now become the meaningful language of nature.” -Rudolf Steiner

Tall grasses often leave me breathless; especially as the evening sun ushers in. The blades sway ever-so-perfectly, as if there is a song being sung….  just for them. The setting sun casts its golden glint upon the blades… and instantly an entire field is aglow.  Everything seems to hush around me….

s i l e n c e d.

The evening breeze often produces a mumbled whisper.. a whisper that has always spoken to me as secrets. I used to revel in what secrets they were sharing… s i g h…  how i miss the power of my childhood imagination.

Now, as I age… I like to believe they are the whispers of a day gone by and the promises of a tomorrow.

Time’s Whisper

The voices of the ocean
course silently with the wind,
rising to rain
before the flood
that sweeps away mountains,
moistening leveled ground
with the kiss of life.
The voices of the ocean of humanity
course through the stream of time,
rising to rain
before the flood
that grinds down mountains,
and sweeps clean the sands of time
with the tides of history.
Listen deeply into the wind,
do you hear?
There is prophesy of a new pulse,
a new heartbeat, yet unborn,
within you.

11 April 2003
Manuel García, Jr.

I look forward to seeing what you in have store for Week 7 of Echo– Whisper. Susan & I invite each of you to participate in the project and show us your unique vision, your voice, your echo. Remember, to share your link in the comments here so I can add it to the roundup next Wednesday.

  • Go visit Susan’s Week 7 post for our other diptych. (which for the record, is my favorite one yet…)
  • Our Flickr Group for the collab. ~ Join Us! Find a partner there, read the guidelines and more!
  • Add the new Echo button (susan’s awesome design) to your blog if you’d like! Get the code here.


I am only one

i am one

these hands

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
       – Edward Everett Hale

I needed that reminder today, maybe… just maybe … one of you did too :)


Day 8/29 Days of Giving is…

a red-bellied woodpecker …

… in playful prose

with organic enclosure …

… evoking misunderstood harmony

culminating iridescent root …

… blinding enchantment takes flight

{no, this fever hasn’t made me delirious yet – keep reading silly!}

billowy seams frolick …

… wondrous carousels aplenty

rhythmic howling prevails ….

…  a nantucket gazelle, flushed

looser lighter silhouettes ….

… whisper of metallic hues

{ welcome to my collection of words }

Do you think that resembles poetry? Would you believe me if I told you it took me 2.5 minutes to type that, as I merely glanced through my collection of words. I allowed them to take flight and come together in their own unique way. I didn’t think about how it would sound, I didn’t care if it made sense. I sought the imagery. I craved the omigosh-im-flloating-above-the-world-anything-is-possible feeling they leave me with. I wanted my tongue to dance as they were spoken. Tell me, in your view – did I achieve that?

 Poemcrazy Journal - p. 10

That journal entry was created in the same way. It Reads:

 there – it embraces
twirling, standing,



still as night
the cat creeps
shedding uneasiness
acquiring infinity

within one, single



 spirit rejuvenated
in playful prose
the tailor, the baker
& the carpenters wife exit

veiled insolence

                                                 awakens innocence

as the fieldmouse


 I am often astounded by those who don’t see the art within words. The magic they create. The vivid images they arouse in our minds.

Words, are an invaluable creative tool.

You don’t have to consider yourself a writer, to use them. To be inspired by them. To collect them.

I collect words. Do you?


Today’s giveaway is (you may have guessed it),  one of my favorite books – Poemcrazy by Susan Goldsmith Woolridge. Regretfully, it’s not a signed copy – while I probably could have written her & asked, I was far too excited and hopelessly impatient (yes, i am THAT girl who peeks at gifts if given the chance) to share and opted to purchase a copy of this for the winner. That’s love folks.

Poemcrazy: Freeing Your Life With Words: invites the readers into a realm where poetry is accessible, where poems are moments of discovery that often arrive unexpectedly (in parking lots, at the grocery store, on walks) and makes ordinary lives extraordinary.

 Susan Wooldridge plays with language as she shows how to create “wordpools”, helping the reader to understand that we are all immersed in an ocean of words used but largely ignored. The reader learns to create images, begins to develop metaphor, and gradually moves into “dreamsense” where an exploration of who we are in poems carries us to deeper levels within.

Wooldridge shares stories of how she and others discovered their own poems through delightful and often amusing vignettes of her life and experiences as a writer. In practice sessions through Poemcrazy, Wooldridge demonstrates how to craft poems using a poet’s tools such as journal writing, imagery, comparison, exaggeration, awareness of detail, and playful juxtaposition. Poemcrazy is a wonderfully original and motivating addition to any literary or writer’s reference shelf! — Midwest Book Review

I want each & every one of you to find a way to be mesmerized by language. words. letters. I want you to experiment without fear. I want you to put them together, and take them apart. I want you to open your eyes to the world that surrounds you – and look, reallllllly look at the words you could be collecting. The words you should be collecting. I want you to see the difference within your creative ventures once you do.

I want you to play. To collect words. To be inspired.

This book is nothing shy of inspiring. It’s for those who write. It’s for those who think they can’t write. It’s for those who aren’t inspired to write. It’s for those who have no time. It’s for those who have all the time in the world. It’s for anyone. There is something within these pages – that will free you from any creative stumbling block you may encounter.

Poemcrazy Journal - p. 6

It will change how you see yourself. How you see the world that so gloriously surrounds you. You will breathe it in and savor it. It won’t be a chore. You will be grateful, that you can honor your creativity in a minute. Maybe two. Maybe longer. That’s the beauty of it – it’s up to you.

It’s late, I’m exhausted – and I find it ironic that the giveaway dealing with writing – is perhaps, one of my worst written entries ever. Ah life, gotta love it! It should however tell you, just how excited I am to share this. To buy one of you a copy.

To inspire each of you, to start a journal with your collection of words too. You can see mine here.

Ok my lil’ wordsmiths to enter today’s fabulous giveaway:

  • Leave a comment on this post listing some random pretty words. That’s it. Words you like. Descriptive words. Moving Words. Humorous words. Elaborate words or Simple words. They can make all the sense in the world. They can make no sense at all. Just leave me lots of pretty words that I can add to my collection.
  • and/or If your feeling chattier: tell me how words play a part in your life – good, or bad.
  • Do this by: Monday, December 15th
  • Don’t forget to spread the word. (ha – a pun!)
  •  Enter Day 0 & Day 6 & Day 7
  • Check out the first batch of winners!

Wishing each of you effervescent mocha dreams, Chrysti