AAO’s Collab. Wall Hanging Assemblage

 The Shell Hunt
“The Shell Hunt”
Color: Bisque/Buff (beige type color)
One of a Kind 
4″ x 4″ Mixed Media Painting & Collage on Canvas
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

One of the groups I’m so thrilled to be a part of, is Altered Art Obsession — A group that focuses on quality and reliability in swaps.. this bunch of artists holds so much talent! I’m honored to be in their company.

 Memoire Savoir
“Memoire Savoir”
Color: Rust
One of a Kind
4″ x 4″ Mixed Media Painting & Collage on Canvas
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

I had dropped out of swaps this year, mostly due to time.. and to make time to get caught up… but this one? I couldn’t resist! Plus, I had a few months to complete them.. added bonus! I really do miss swapping, and can’t wait to have a bit more time to join in again.. hope is in sight!

Color: Red
One of a Kind
4″ x 4″ Mixed Media Painting & Collage on Canvas
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

Here’s the idea.. It’s a monochromatic, collaborative wall hanging assemblage ..

 Prettiest in Green
“Prettiest in Green”
Color: Green
One of a Kind
4″ x 4″ Mixed Media Painting & Collage on Canvas
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

When we signed up for the swap, we each chose a color (I chose shabby/antique Ivory), and were assigned to a group. You create one 4″ x 4″ Canvas Board for each color in your group, then send to the hostess (TisJewel .. I love her swaps! ) .. she will then assemble them, and return them.. all in your color.. I probably did a terrible job of explaining that… but what do ya expect? My brain is fried!

 Bashful and Feminine
“Bashful & Feminine”
Color: Brown
One of a Kind
4″ x 4″ Mixed Media Painting & Collage on Canvas
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

At any rate.. These photos are the results of my efforts.. I didn’t want to have my pieces be too busy, as they will be displayed alongside other creations.. so I thought more focus on textures, and tones would be appropriate. The backgrounds are where I spent most of my attention.

 Glistening Yellow Pleasure -1

 Glistening Yellow Pleasure -3

 Glistening Yellow Pleasure -2
“Glistening Yellow Pleasure”
Color: Yellow
One of a Kind
4″ x 4″ Mixed Media Painting & Collage on Canvas
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

Sadly, these photos didn’t turn out well.. they don’t show all the depth, texture, and the different sheens & glimmers the backgrounds have. <sigh>. But at least it gives you a general idea!

 Bountiful Spirit - 1

 Bountiful Spirit - 3

 Bountiful Spirit - 2
“Bountiful Spirit”
Color: Purple/Plum
One of a Kind
4″ x 4″ Mixed Media Painting & Collage on Canvas
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

I’ll be posting the rest of the wall colab canvases in the next few days.. my camera batteries died before I could finish photographing! Hope you enjoyed what I’ve done so far, as always.. I’d love to hear your opinions and critiques!

 Make Me Free -2

 Make Me Free - 1
“Make Me Free”
Color: Pink
One of a Kind
4″ x 4″ Mixed Media Painting & Collage on Canvas
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

On another quick note .. check out this adorable danglie I listed on Etsy today! I think I may do an entire series of them.. can’t you picture them hanging off of curly branches in a vase with rocks.. or moss.. so many possibilities!

 Lovely Little Girl - 1

 Lovely Little Girl - 2
“Lovely Little Girl” : For Sale Here

One of a Kind Birdhouse Danglie/Ornament
2.25″ x 2.25″ Collage on Wood
by Raleigh, NC Altered Artist ~Chrysti~

Don’t forget to check out the special deal I’m offering y’all in my store this weekend, new art I haven’t shown here yet there as well.. see yesterday’s post for details!

Thanks! More to come later – Chrysti

10 Responses

  1. OH Chrysti!! Wonderful new ART!!! SO BEAUTIFUL ! I always LOVE to look at what you create!

  2. I absolutely LOVE almost all of these (a couple maybe I only like a lot *laugh*). The single colour approach really sets off the nuances and textures. And seems like it would be a little easier to get focused on your subject and the feeling of the piece without wondering about colour combinations, etc.

    If you do more of the ornaments, I could very well be interested…..I’m going to check out your store now. :)

  3. Wonderful ART!!! SO BEAUTIFUL -I absolutely LOVE almost all of these

  4. Oh Chrysti! I wish you were in my group – I’m in the first assemblage group. Your work is absolutely lovely… well, it always is. The little dangle is adorable. :)

  5. […] If you’d like to see the other 8 pieces & colors I did, in addition to reading more about this project.. click here! […]

  6. WOW! Chrysti! These are GORGEOUS!

  7. wow! these are amazing, I love the textures & colors… xo!!

  8. I wish I was in your group too! All of these are wonderful!!!

  9. Thank You so much everybody!

    I LOVED working on these! Monochromatic, is one of my favorite themes to work in!

  10. […] AAO’s Collab. Wall Hanging Assemblage […]

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